Ashley Franz Holzmann
Horror, Sci-Fi, Poetry, Non-Fiction, Military Satire

A boy named Sue, named Ashley. Born of veterans in foreign lands and raised around the world, he now lives in North Carolina with his wife, three children, a Great Dane named Rhino and a German Shepherd named Princess.

Ashley is an original co-founder of -30- Press, and began as the Chief Operations Officer before migrating to the position of Chief Creative Officer.

He was the co-writer of the viral  Ghosts in the Machine Special Operations marketing video, has been published in a Simon & Schuster anthology, and is a current co-host of the Pineland Underground—the official podcast of the U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center & School.

Fiction Books:

Ashley's fiction focuses on the horror genre, with multiple projects including his work, to include a Simon & Schuster anthology: The CreepyPasta Collection Volume Two. As well as:

Fiction Podcasts and YouTube:

Non-Fiction Books and Publications:

Ashley has written and contributed to several professional military publications.

Non-Fiction Podcasts:


Military Satire:

Ashley also writes for the Duffel Blog under the pen name As For Class. He has written over 100 articles, some of his favorites include: